Live Briefs

5×5 Sequence

This task required us to create a video containing 5 clips that are 5 seconds long. As I didn’t have a clue what to do, I produced something based on that. Since I wanted to focus on the ambient sound such as train sound from the outside of the building and the typing sound, I attached an external mic to my DSLR.

I used Premier Pro to edit the video.

Time’s up

We were asked to create a video based on the theme “Time is up” in groups. We decided to do on someone who is late for the class. We used our smartphones to shoot the video.

I edited using a smartphone app called InShot.

The video could have been better especially on the elevator scene if I wasn’t standing in the front of the elevator since I am visible in the mirror, and the Subject looked at the camera which could have been avoided. I should have also added a piece of comedy music to give the video a comical effect.

Sound-based video.

Andy assigned each of us with a 20-sec clip of an audio piece and asked us to create a moving image/ video to inspired by the audio clip. I used my smartphone in a slow-motion setting.

I edited the video using Filmora. I edited in a way that the video has jump cuts when there is a cut in the audio clip.

After all these briefs, I got a more clear idea and obtained skills on how to shoot and edit a moving image/video.

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